There are several Australian blue-tongued lizards, and they are all members of the skink family. They are commonly just called Blue tongue lizards. Species include:Eastern Blue tongue lizard or Common Blue tongue lizardNorthern Blue tongued skinkWestern Blue tongued skinkCentral Blue tongued skinkBlotched blue tongueShinglebackPygmy Blue tongued skink
A blue-tongued skink is a type of lizard native to Australia and surrounding areas. They are named for their distinctive blue tongues, which they use as a warning signal to deter predators. Blue-tongued skinks are popular as pets due to their docile nature and unique appearance.
No, they are from Australia.
The Blue-tongued Skink can grow to around 17 inches (45cm) in length.
A Blue Tongue Skink Hibernates because it is cold blooded and can not warm itself properly during Winter.
Some skinks have a blue tail - specifically the Blue-tailed Skink (Cryptoblepharus egeriae). They have a bright blue tail as juveniles but the tail tends to darken in males as they become mature. The females usually retain the blue color in their tales into adulthood.Some skinks have blue tongues. There are 8 species of blue-tongued skinks.Adelaide pygmy blue-tongue skink or pygmy bluetongue (T. adelaidensis)Indonesian blue-tongued skink (T. gigas)Centralian blue-tongued skink (T. multifasciata)Blotched blue-tongued lizard, aka southern blue-tongued lizard, aka blotched blue-tongued skink (T. nigrolutea)Western blue-tongued lizard (T. occipitalis)Shingleback (T. rugosa )Australian blue-tongued skink (T. scincoides)Irian Jaya (Tiliqua sp.)7 out of the 8 are indigenous to Australia; Tiliqua gigas is only found in New Guinea and some islands of Indonesia. Tiliqua scincoides is also found on several small Indonesian islands between Australia and New Guinea. Tiliqua nigrolutea is the only species present in Tasmania.
they can live to approximately 20 years but the life span does vary between each skink. what kind of skink it is can also factor...
Blue Tongued Skink and Phrynosomatidae Lizard. There are more but that is 2
A skink is a five-lettered lizard. I like the blue-tongued skink best.
Blue Tongued Skink and Phrynosomatidae Lizard. There are more but that is 2
no They are viviparous meaning they give live birth like humans (assuming you meant Blue Tongued Skink). There is no species with the common name Blue Tailed Skink.
The Australian reptile with a long blue tongue is the blue-tongued skink. These skinks are commonly found in Australia and are known for their distinctive blue tongues, which they use as a defense mechanism to scare off predators.