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Rattlesnakes do not have balls in their tail.

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Q: What are the balls made of in rattlesnake's tail?
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Related questions

Where is the rattlesnakes rattle?

The end of it's tail

How can rattlesnakes make sounds?

its tail

How did the rattlesnakes get its name?

the rattles in its tail. :)

Are rattlesnakes native to African savanna?

True rattlesnakes (with a rattle on the tip of their tail) are not found in Africa.

How do rattlesnakes defecate?

Rattlesnakes have an anal opening at the base of the tail and will evacuate their intestinal wastes through this opening.

What do rattlesnakes do when they see a person somewhere?

Rattle their tail

Is there venom in a rattlesnakes rattle?

no, venom is in the head not the tail

Do rattlesnakes have tails?

It wouldn't be a rattle snake or snake without a tail. Would it??

What are the physical characteristics of rattlesnakes?

The most familiar physical characteristic of a rattlesnake is the rattle on the snakes tail. Rattlesnakes also of scales which cover the entire body.

Does a rattesnake have a tail?

Yes, rattlesnakes have tails. Their distinctive tail ends in a rattle made of interlocking segments that create a rattling sound when shaken as a warning signal.

What is the club on the tail on the ankylosaurus made of?

An Ankylosaurus's club was made up of two round balls of bone at the end of the tail. The bones were probably covered in a layer of keratin, the same material in human hair and fingernails or a rhino's horn.

How did rattlesnakes get their name?

Rattle snakes got their name by the distinctive sound that their tail makes when they shake it. The "rattle" is made from hollow nested chambers that are made from modified scales; a new segment is added after every shed. Hope this helps :)