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BECAUSE IT'S REALLY FULL. no really I don't really know

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Q: What are some reasons a snake will not eat especially if they are on a schedule of every 4 weeks?
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Does a snake eat dead chicken?

A snake only eats raw food especially chicken

What are some reasons for brown tree snake?

Catch mice :-)

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Does every snake have a backbone?

Yes they do.

Why does your snake snap at you?

The three reasons a snake would snap at you are: It is scared It has not been handled enough It's an aggressive snake Some snakes are just aggressive and are not tamable.

Can a snake be killed by hitting it across the spine?

Yes. A spinal injury can be fatal to a snake just like it can be to any other vertebrate. Snake spines are especially delicate.

When do I switch to fuzzies when feeding my baby corn snake?

i have a corn snake & i feed it every wensday but here is a tip for you take the snake out of the cage and put the snake in the box when you feed it and wait till its half way down the snake then put it back in the cage i do this because every time you take the snake out to play with it the snake will think its food time and might charge at you but please make sure the snakes food is half way down if not and you pick it up it will throw it back up and mess up the snakes food schedule . (:

How many times do you feed snakes in a day?

depends what sort of snake. For example, a big snake could be fed a HUGE rat. Rat;s and mice are the natural food for every single snake. Rabbits are far too big and are a threat to snake's lives, as a rabbit could easily kill a snake. But it takes snakes about 5 days to digest food, so the maximum intervel should be 2 weeks. Remember, do not feed your snake rabbits, birds, especially not live ones.

Does all snake has poison?

Technically, no snake is poisonous. However, some snakes are venomous. Only about 1 out of every 4 species of snake is venomous.

Do lizards eat snakes?

Yes. Many will, especially those of the king snake.

Would a wolf eat a snake?

depends on what type of snake......but if a small snake yes

What is the length and weight of female anaconda?

It depends on the snake, some may not get as long as others, some may be fatter, etc. Then there's the snake's age and feeding schedule and temperatures during its early development to consider.