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Venomizing prey, eating prey, rattling rattle, etc.

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Q: What are some of the eastern diamondback's instincts?
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In what habitat do eastern diamondbacks live in the desert?

Eastern diamondback rattlesnakes do not live in the desert. Western diamondbacks do.

What instincts does eastern chipmunk born with?

An eastern chipmunk is born with many survival instincts. These instincts include food gathering, nest making, parenting, and the flight or fight instinct.

Are eastern diamondback snakes in Maryland?

Yes, it is fairly common in some places there.

Where do diamondbacks live?

Western diamondbacks live in the southwestern United States and Mexico while eastern diamondbacks live in the southeastern states.

Does the eastern diamondback rattlesnake have a black tail?

No, eastern diamondbacks have a banded black and white tail.

How many types of rattlesnakes are endangered?

Many are in trouble. Both eastern and western diamondbacks, the timber rattler in some areas, and the massasauga.

How big are baby diamondback rattlesnakes?

Baby western diamondbacks are usually about 12 inches in length. Eastern diamondbacks may be slightly larger.

Where diamondback rattlesnake live?

Western diamondbacks live in the southwestern United States and Mexico while eastern diamondbacks live in the southeastern states.

How do eastern diamondbacks adapt in the desert?

Eastern diamondbacks have no problems with the desert as they do not live in deserts. They live in the humid areas of the southeastern United States where deserts do not exist. The western diamondback does live in the deserts of the United States, however.

What is a diamondback rattlesnake?

Both te eastern and western diamondbacks are from the crotalus genus:Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake - Crotalus adamanteusWestern Diamondback Rattlesnake - Crotalus atrox

What is the eastern diamondback rattlesnake a predator to?

Yes, eastern diamondbacks primarily eat small mammals, such as mice, rats, rabbits, etc., and birds.

What is a rattlesnake's length?

In the genus sistrurus, some species only reach 1 and a half feet in length. In the genus crotalus, some Eastern Diamondbacks reach 7 feet (although this is very uncommon).