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sea turtles have arms, legs, heads and well all the body parts.

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Q: What are some adaptaions for a green sea turtles body parts?
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Are green sea turtles named after their body fat?

im not completely sure, but i think it is because they are the color GREEN and they live in the SEA, hence the name: green sea turtle

What are the zombie body parts?

obviously same as humans but green and broken

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in animal life

What is the total number of bones in a turtles entire body?

there are 28 bones in the turtles body

When do turtles get out of their shells?

Turtles do not "get out of their shells" as their shells are a part of their skeletal structure and cannot be removed. The shell is fused to the turtle's body and provides protection for their vital organs.

What color is a sea turtles blood?

Sea turtle's eggs are normally a white to beige colour

How do turtles survive in the sea?

Well they have a shell and can duck their body parts in it when preditors are around and they eat alge or other fish (as in sardines, minnows,ect.) Meself perfectt :)

Does house lizard have scales?

Turtles do not have scales but they have hard skin a tough shell eyes ears nose a tail and other body parts

Why are sea turtles decreasing in population?

They are eating trash, thinking it is prey. They also are having their eggs being found and stolen by people. Sea turtles are being hunted severely for certain parts of their body.

Do turtles have body tissue?

Any multi-cellular organism has body tissue. There are several types of body tissue, including nervous and muscle, which turtles must have to function.

What insects have 3 body parts?

Insects that have three body parts are classified as having a head, thorax, and abdomen. Some examples of insects with this structure include beetles, butterflies, and ants.

What is a turtles body ussally coverd in?
