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Spectacled caimans and common caimans are common food for anacondas and jaguars. Large black caimans have no predators.

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4y ago

caimans dont have predators. Their enemy are huters trying to hunt them for meat and skin.

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Wading birds like herons, caimans, larger fish, otters.

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Humans, and jaguars, caimans. Usually only these predators can take down adults, along with the anaconda.

What is spectacled caimans predator?

Green anacondas, jaguars, and black caimans prey on common caimans.

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Caimans are faster.

What are the enemies of the otters?

The amazon otter is prey to caimans, crocodiles, anacondas, jaguars, mountain lions, and large group or piranhas.

What is a caiman predator and prey?

Green anacondas prey on small caimans and small black caimans. Jaguars are known to kill and eat female black caimans, but not the large male black caimans.

What eats caimans?

Caimans are preyed upon by large predators such as jaguars, anacondas, and some bird species like eagles. Additionally, humans also hunt caimans for their skin and meat.

How much do dwarf caimans weigh?

dwarf caimans weigh around 20 to 40 kgs

What are a mountain lion's enemies?

In South America, large black caimans are believed to prey on mountain lions in water. In North America, wolves, black bears, and grizzly bears will steal kills from mountain lions.

Are there anymore caimans?


What are the release dates for Clash of the Caimans - 2008 TV?

Clash of the Caimans - 2008 TV was released on: USA: 2008