explain the features of reptiles
reptiles are animals so all of their features classify. reptiles are not mammals though if that what is being asked.
They are terrestrial They are scaled They are cold blooded
cooled blooded, land and water animals.
Reptiles are cold-blooded creatures. They commonly eat insects and have dry, scaly skin. They reproduce by laying eggs and all reptiles are vertebrates.
Fish = 120 + (3 x reptiles) 210 = 120 + (3 x reptiles) 90 = 3 x reptiles Number of reptiles = 30
mammals amphibians and reptiles birds
Mode of reproduction
Mammal-like reptiles that lived in the Permian, like cynodonts or therapsids.
An ossified skeleton is one of the distinguishing features of reptiles.
Reptiles are warm blooded creatures that give birth to live young.