

Best Answer
  1. Turtles are reptiles that lay eggs.
  2. Turtles do not have gills and breathe air (common confusion)
  3. Turtles have been around for 200 million years, a thousand times longer than modern humans
  4. Turtles live on every continent except Antarctica.
  5. A turtle shell is actually 60 different bones merged together
  6. Turtles have excellent vision and hearing
  7. Many species of turtle can live over a hundred years including the American Box turtle
  8. Adult turtles can range from 4 inches to over 1500 pounds
  9. Turtles can live in almost any climate
  10. Most turtles have five toes, while the American Box Turtle has four and some others have only three.
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14y ago
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12y ago

I don't know about tortoises but turtles, yes. First, they never care for their young. Second, their shell is part of their backbone, so you can't take the shell away from the turtle without leaving the backbone behind. Third, turtles get eaten by predators so much that sometimes only one in a hundred turtles survive.

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12y ago

Box Turtles can eat poisonous mushrooms without harm, but the poison is stored in their flesh.

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9y ago

need water to drink and swim. lots of green plants and sometimes sandy

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