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Q: WHAT nonpoisonous eastern scarlet snake has colored bands that closely resemble the poisonous coral snake This selective adaptation provides the eastern scarlet snake with?
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What is a feature called that provides a selective advantage to a population?

Adaptation, yo.

Which of the following is not an amphibian adaptation that provides support against the pull of gravity?

mammals/birds/and chordates

Why are genetically modified organisms good?

It provides a faster lower cost way to get desired traits than standard selective breeding does.

When to use Intensive vs selective vs exclusive distribution?

It provides maximum coverage of the market by using all available outlets.

How does a selective menu differ from a non -selective menu?

A selective menu offers limited choices of dishes, while a non-selective menu provides a wider range of options to choose from. Selective menus may focus on specific items or themes, catering to a more niche audience, while non-selective menus aim to cater to a broader range of tastes and preferences.

What is it called when an organism looks like another organism that is poisonous?

This phenomenon is called mimicry, where a harmless organism resembles a poisonous one to deceive predators into avoiding it. It provides the mimicking organism with protection against predation.

What is the adaptation continuum?

The adaptation continuum represents the range of strategies that can be used to adapt to climate change impacts, from reactive to proactive approaches. It includes actions such as disaster response, incremental adjustments, and transformative changes to build resilience and reduce vulnerability to climate risks. It provides a framework for decision-makers to choose the most appropriate adaptation responses based on the context and level of risk.

What does the selective dissemination of information process provide?

Selective dissemination of information provides users with personalized updates and relevant content based on their specific interests or preferences. It helps users stay informed without being overwhelmed by irrelevant information, saving time and improving the efficiency of information delivery.

Will p. aeruginosa grow on a blood agar media?

Yes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa can grow on blood agar media because it is a non-selective medium that provides essential nutrients for bacterial growth. However, its growth on blood agar may not be as robust as on selective media designed specifically for its isolation and identification.

What is a structural adaptation of a female lion?

One structural adaptation of a female lion is her sharp retractable claws that help her catch prey and defend herself. Another adaptation is her powerful jaw muscles and sharp teeth that enable her to eat and digest tough meat efficiently. Additionally, the coloration of her fur provides camouflage in her natural habitat, aiding in hunting and avoiding predators.

Is a rattlesnakes bite poisonous?

Rattlesnakes are not poisonous but they are venomous. A poison is something that must be ingested to do damage. A venom must be injected. Snake venom can be eaten and will cause no harm unless there is an open sore in the mouth or stomach that provides entry of the venom into the blood and tissues.

What is the function of an episome?

1). It provides selective advantage to the host. 2). Through episome we can know that the genetic material has been transfered to the next generation or not. 3).It may locate gene location.