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No - If the filter is 'loud' - it needs maintenance ! Aquarium filters are normally very quiet in operation - if yours is making a noise, there must be a reason for it ! There are a number of reasons - the most obvious is that the filter mayneed cleaning out. Debris clogging the filter will cause the motor to run irregularly. Another one could be a faulty bearing in the motor. It's up to you how you deal with it ! Depending on how long you've had it - it could also just be down to 'old age' - in which case - buy a new one !

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14y ago

yes the turtle needs night time hours just like in nature.

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Q: Should you turn off your water turtle's light at night?
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What should you do if your turtles does not like water?

It is natarul for turtles to lie on rocks and such.

What guides the sea turtles to water?

Light, like that of a full moon so the sea turtles can find the ocean.

What temperature does you terrapin like its water?

mid 70's up to 78 i keep my turtles yellow bellied sliders and map turtles outside in pond have a water heater in water. Plus when not sunny basking light and strip light for them.

Why should you have to shut the fish tank light off at night?

so you don't waste electiricty... and so that you don't heat up the water with the light

What is in a turtles tank?

For a land tortoise, you will need a UV light (that provides artificial sunlight), Vegetables, substrate (dirt), and a hiding place. For water turtles You will need all this + bugs and water.

When did turtles live in water?

turtles still live in water but not all turtles.

Where are turtles?

water turtles live in the water land turtles live in the land

What makes sea turtles swim fast?

No the shell weights a ton the inside of a turtle is light it can not pick up that much weight

Is uv light at night enough time for turtle?

No, turtles need a basking light or heat lamp during the day to maintain their body temperature and to help with digestion and metabolizing calcium. UV light at night is not sufficient for turtles. It is important to provide a proper light cycle for your turtle's health and well-being.

Do red red eared water turtles need light?

No, but their happier with it and without it they don't grow to much.

What lights on a sail boat should be used at night?

ANY boat on the water at night must display three lights: A green light starboard (on the bow) a red light port (on the bow) and a white light on the stern, mounted higher than the bow lights.

Where should you get the water to put in a turtles tank?

You can just use regular water. In the summer/warm weather, I clean my turtles' tank outside with my hose. I also use faucet water. If you'd like to know how I specifically clean my turtles' tank, please contact me or reply to this answer.