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Between the two of them a snake would probably make a better pet as they tend to be lower maintenance and are easier to get. As snakes go corn snakes and king snakes are usually the best pets.

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Q: Should you have a shark or a snake for a pet?
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How do you prepare for a pet shark?

U should first if u wish for it to be a pet u should first consider the size of the shark u want and type of shark then start looking at tanks also u should buy live plants and u should read up on the type of shark u r getting and what they r used to in the ocean and consider what u r going to feed them

Does slash have a pet snake?

Yes i believe he douse a have a pet snake. Or had i am not shure.

What snake on Animal Jam?

The snake is not offered as an animal, but players can buy a snake as a pet, for 400 gems. This pet can then be used for the "Ssssnake" pet game.

What is a shranke?

A shark mixed with a snake

Can you get staph infection from your pet snake?

yes so be extremely careful around your pet snake

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Are there animals that rhyme with cake?

Lark Shark

What should a pet snake be fed died or alive?

Small rodents, baby chickens etc.

What is a pet snake?

A pet snake is a snake that has been raised in captivity or with people around it all the time so when it is at least a year old they can transport it to a pet shop and then you can can buy it legally and keep it as a pet. Some snakes available to keep as pets are 1. Black Indigo Snake. 2. A Garter Snake. 3. The Sinaloan Milk Snake. 4. An Eastern Hognose Snake. 5. The Leopard Rat Snake. 6. The Speckled Kingsnake 7. and a Royal Python aka the longest snake you can keep as a pet.

What is a name for an African pet snake?

A typical 'pet' species from Africa would be the African House snake.

Is a shark a mammal or a snake?

Neither, it is a fish.

Which is an endothermic wertebrate garter snake or dolphin or shark or loepard frog?

It's a shark:>