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Hermann's tortoise

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Q: Should you get Russian or Hermann's tortoise pros and cons please?
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Related questions

What is please in Russian cyrillic?

Please in Russian Cyrillic is пожалуйста.

Will a young Spur Thighed tortoise happily live in the same tank as a 7 year healthy female Horsefield Tortoise?

Different species of tortoise should not be kept together. While it is unlikely that they would object to each other, there is a problem with the fact that different species of tortoise have different bacteria in their gut. The bacteria from one species can be dangerous to another. You say you keep your tortoise in a tank, please note that this is not a healthy environment for a tortoise. They should be kept in an outdoor enclosure, weather permitting, and on a tortoise table at other times. Visit or for more information.

What is 'please' in Russian cyrillic alphabet?

'Please' in Russian Cyrillic alphabet is written as "пожалуйста".

How do you spell please in Russian?

"Please" in Russian is spelled as "Пожалуйста" (pronounced as "pazhalyusta").

How do you pronounce please in Russian?


What is Please in Russian?

"Пожалуйста" (pronounced "pazh-al-sta") is the Russian word for "please."

How do you say please in Russian?

Please translates as: Пожалуйста Like (do as you like/please) translates as: нравиться

How do you say please walk in Russian?

"Eeditye, pozhalsta"

A tortoise and a hare are running a race?

Yes, yes, please go on. You've got us interested now.

What is the Russian words in red remover?

" you have unlocked this. it is time to move on and do life. this game was probably fun and i am Russian. please don't forget to favorite." i am Russian. :)

You Love in Russian?

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Why is no Russian have a skip option?

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