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Although Pythons are larger, the King Brown snake is indeed one of the largest snakes in Western Australia. It can grow up to 3 metres long. It is not, however, restricted to just Western Australia, as it is found throughout the mainland except for Victoria and coastal New South Wales.

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Q: Is the King Brown one of the largest snakes in Western Australia?
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22 years

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There are 2-4 deaths per year in Australia from snakebites. Most of these are from the Australian Brown Snake.

Are baby brown snakes poison?

My understanding is that baby brown snakes ( in Australia) are born with enough venom to kill a man, the question is if the fangs can penetrate the skin. I would leave them well enough alone.

Are snakes Australian native animals?

Yes. Australia is home to some of the world's deadliest snakes, such as the Inland Taipan, Coastal Taipan, Tiger snake, Death Adder, Copperhead, Brown, Gwardar and the Red Bellied Black snake.

What are the relatives of the inland taipan?

They are eaten by the Mulga Snake (Pseudechis Australis), also known as the King Brown, which is actually a species of Black Snake. They are immune to most Australian snake venom, and are the second largest venomous snake after the Coastal Taipan. The Perentie Goanna is Australia's' largest monitor lizard which actively hunts venomous snakes such as the Inland Taipan and King Brown, amongst others. It is also immune, or partially immune to most venom, but some venom may temporary immobilize it, or slow it down.

What type of snakes are found in Australia and how often are they sighted?

1. Australian Taipan 2. eastern brown snake 3. death adder 4. tiger snakes

How many native snakes are there in Australia?

There are 140 species of land snakes in Australia, and a further 32 sea snake species. There are five families of snakes found in Australia. four of these families occur on land. And several species of sea-snakes.# Pythons # Front-fanged Venomous Snakes # Tree Snakes # Blind Snakes # Sea Snakes