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The only Gecko that i would call dangerous is a Tokay gecko, they can be rather mean and have been known to bite your finger and not let go( not pain full but annoying). be careful holding the gecko, not for your health but the sake of the animal, most geckos are very fast and will go running out of your hands with no care of the height they will be falling.

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Most likely yes. Fumes from the paint can damage their brain cells. Most cleaning suplies are toxic to them because of the fumes so I'd keep cleaning supplies and paint away from them.

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Is a lepord gecko dangerous?

leopard geckos are not dangerous. unless you get it from somebody that might have made it very aggressive. in fact, leopard geckos make a great pet!

Are leopard geckos dangerous to kid 12 years old?

no they are not poisonous and are docile but just make sure the gecko inst sick leopard geckos can carry salmonella and other diseases.

Can crested geckos be kept with leopard geckos?


Can you keep leopard geckos with Madagascar day geckos?

This is some reasons a leopard geckos and Madagascar day geckos can't live together: #1: Madagascars have a different environment than leopard geckos. Madagascar day geckos live in tropical conditions and leopard geckos live in desert conditions. #2 they would be fighting because they are territorial.

Are leopard geckos poisonious can you tell by there eyes?

NO - Leopard geckos are not venomous. The shape of their eyes is no indication.

Can leopard geckos eat chicken?

Leopard geckos cannot eat spinach, but they can eat crickets, meal worms, superworms, are all great choices leopard geckos like varity so change it up!

Can leopard geckos eat sardines?

No, a geckos leopard geckos diet consists of live feeders such as insects, arachnids, arthropods and smaller reptiles.

When was the first leopard gecko found?

leopard geckos

What is the maximum weight of Pakistani leopard gecko?

Most Leopard geckos will weigh in from 40-60 Grams, depending on gender and bloodlines. There is a morph of leopard gecko that are called "Giant" leopard geckos. This particular genetic allows leopard geckos to reach 100Grams +.

Can you mix leopard geckos with anything?

No, these geckos are a solitary species.

Is it ok for a lepord gecko to lick another lizard?

It depends on the lizard. Leopard geckos should be housed in an enclosure by themselves or with other leopard geckos. If they lick the other leopard geckos then there is nothing to worry about.

What class is the leopard gecko in?

leopard geckos are in the reptile the family and in the gecko family. Most geckos can adhere to things and climb with their little toes but leopard geckos can't, instead they have claws. If you hold a leopard gecko, you will feel them while something like day geckos they have very soft paws