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I looked up the corn snake and it is said that they are not a mean nor poisonous so if that is what you want to do I don't see the issue. It is said that they are sometimes confused with the copper head snake which is very poisonus so I hope you aren't picking up the wrong one...Why the heck are you messing with them anyway? Any who here is the site I got the information from:

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13y ago

Although it is widely known that reptiles carry salmonella, so long as you clean the bite area with mild disinfectant, and apply a clean dressing, you should be fine. HOWEVER in the interest of the well-being of the unborn baby - seek professionalmedical advice.

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im not sure, but i wouldn't risk it. if it bites you it might affect the baby.

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What should pregnant corn snake's feeding should be like?

a mice

When you get a baby Corn Snake how do you make it like you?

you cant make a snake like you.But if you handle it often and give it very good care it will learn to like you,but it has to gain your trust first.good luck with your corn snake!

Is a corn snake the same as a grass snake?

No the corn snake and the grass snake are completely different species ! Corn snakes are a native species of North America, while grass snakes are primarily found in Europe - including the British Isles.

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Is a corn snake and a chicken snake the same?

Not necessarily. The term chicken snake can refer to several species of snake. The corn snake is one of them.

What is medium corn snake and adult corn snake?

medium corn snake:sub adult , adult corn snake:adult

Do pregnant corn snakes poop out yellowish liquid and what does this mean?

if the yellowish stuff is sort of pussy then corn snakes produce this when they feel threatened, so if a corn snake is pregnant she could be feeling more venerable therefore produce the pussy stuff more than normal but not just female pregnant corn snakes produce this, all corn snakes do when they feel threatened.

Can a baby corn snake go in a tank with an adult corn snake?

yes a hatchling corn snake can go in a vivarium with an adult corn snake but only if the adult corn is very tame and feed well and there needs to be lots of hiding places for the hatchling corn snake to hide about 5 hides

What is the height of a corn snake?

The length of a Corn snake can be up to 72 inches.

How can you tell a rat snake and a corn snake apart?

Rat snakes are generally black whereas corn snakes are orangey yellowy and look like ground up corn.

What are the best corn snake breeders?

Ask around on or a corn snake forum.

What do you do if your corn snake isn't eating?

go and ask a vet if your corn snake is OK.