Breed crickets in their own container as they may kill your gecko if they are left with it. Personally, i think crickets are the most annoying feeder to breed. Blaptica Dubia roaches are actually much cleaner, give live birth (no eggs to deal with), can't climb, jump, or fly, and you don't have to clean up after them very often because the baby roaches eat leftover feces. Plus they don't bite (which crickets do to smaller animals than us). Aaron Pauling sells them on his website.
well 25 40 to breed.but the dirt needs to be high because they put there eggs under dirt
leopard geckos eat mealworms crickets and mealworm beetles they can also at adult size eat scarab beetles scarab beetle larvae supperworms occasionaly a pinky mouse tomato hornworm silkworms and waxworms because wax worms have a lot of fat.they can grow to about at the most of 7 in sometimes biggeran adult should be housed in a ten gallon tank or three babies in a ten gallon tank. you can house females with one male or just house females together do not house males together because they will fight. they should always have fresh water and their safest bedding would be reptile carpet {what i have mine on}because all the other beddiings they can ingest and will impact them and impaction can be fatal. they should have three hiding placs a warm one a moist one and a cool one. the temperature in their tank should be 80f-90f. also don't pick them up by the tail as they will lose it if they r stressed out. they will regrow it however it will look different than a normal one.the only other type of geckos u can keep with leopard geckos are fat tailed geckos and panther geckos and again separate the males. feed adult geckos three large crickets a day and babies three small crickets a day also to help your geckos tail size and their health you can put cricket dust on the crickets which is calcium and do that twice a week. %
Really tiny crickets. (commonly called micro-crickets in the reptile trade Or you could try feeding them SMALL meal worms but breaking them in to bits, it will work and the gecko will get its food just remember to sprinkle the protein on them ! Any chain pet store should offer a variety in sizes ranging from 1/4" - 1" crickets.
Barking Geckos hunt for food, in the wild they will go out at night and hunt for small insects and bugs and in captivity they also hunt for food that you put in the tank you would usually feed them crickets and mealworms.
it should be
The approximate size of the cricket population in the field would be 600 crickets. To calculate this, multiply the population density (24 crickets/m^2) by the area of the field in square meters (250 m^2). Population density can be influenced by factors such as availability of food, predation, habitat quality, and competition for resources.
well... nothing hermit crabs don`t eat crickets
The only times I know that they are aggressive are: 1. when you put a different type of gecko in the same tank. (I have heard of some that are ok) 2. if you put two male leopard geckos together. (females are normally ok) 3. they are very aggressive to crickets! :)
No. People feed leopard geckos "pinkies" for various reasons. To boost nutrition during a geckos pregnancy. To give a gecko a large feeding so as to not have to feed it for a week (this works well if you want to take a vacation). Some people just think it's entertaining. A Leopard Gecko does not "need" to eat baby mice. Crickets will do.
Leopard Geckos are small, up to 9 inches long, need only a ten gallon tank with shredded bark, a shelter, shed box, water, and a heat lamp. They can be handled often, will eat live crickets from your hand, need fed every other day and can be nutritionally sustained with just crickets and mealworms.
I'm sure that you can get geckos tanks from a pet shop but if you can't just go to the counter and ask them if they know where to get one :) I really hope my answer is helpful :)
You should put them in the same tank and hope for the best.