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It depends entirely on where you live and what species of snake it is. I would not recommend catching a wild animal to keep as a pet. They don't usually adapt well to captivity and it can be tricky to get unhappy snakes to eat. Many of the more common snake species (as well as the more exotic ones) are bred in captivity to be kept as pets. I would buy from a reputable breeder or a pet store that you can be sure is not dealing in wild-caught snakes.

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i don`t think so

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Q: Is it illegal to catch a snake and keep it?
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Why do people catch snakes and keep the snakehead?

People catch snakes and keep the snake heads to sell to places of business or individual consumers. Private collectors also look into buying snake heads and sometime the snake's skin.

Why can't snakes be illegal?

If we ban snakes, who will eat the mice and rats? Are YOU volunteering? If snakes are illegal and we find a snake, what do we do with it? Put it in jail? Fine it fifty dollars? P.S. It is illegal to catch and keep wild snakes in most places, under most circumstances. Many wild snakes actually have legal protection under federal and state laws.

How do you catch red eye snakes?

Well you have to catch the snake 3 times. Try staying at the same hole and you might be lucky to catch the snake on Poptropica!

Should you go out with your friend and catch a snake when you go out in the bush?

No you should never catch a snake you should leave that to professionals.

What is the snake population in Hawaii?

Zero- and we would really like to keep it that way. There are no snakes in Hawaii, and it is highly illegal to bring snakes to Hawaii.

Is it legally to keep a snake head as a pet?

It is legal some places and illegal in others. We can't answer better than that as you didn't say where you are located.

What snake do you have to catch in Mythology Island?

You get the snake with the red eyes 3 times

How do you catch the red snake in Mythology Island?

It takes a lot of tolerance. Sometimes it depends on if you move your mouse fast enough; other times you could catch it by chance. One thing's for sure- there is no actual way to catch the red eyed snake. Just keep trying until you succeed! - Silver Fang, current member of Poptropica

How do you catch a kangaroo?

You don't. It is illegal to catch a kangaroo.

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Is it illegal to catch mice in Cleveland Ohio?

Its illegal to catch mice in Cleveland Ohio if you do not have a hunting license.

Where do you buy a snake in Singapore?

You can't. It's illegal to privately own a snake in Singapore.