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Endive is a great staple for dragons. So is Alfalfa plants (NOT pellets or sprouts,) cactus pads or prickly Pears, collard and dandelion greens, escarole, mustard greens, Phoenix worms, silkworms, squash, turnip greens, and kale.

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Q: Is endive OK for bearded dragons a.k.a. Pogona Vittaveps to eat?
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Related questions

Why cant a bearded dragon eat lettuce?

it can eatcertain types like endive

Can you feed your bearded dragon lettuce?

Bearded dragons will mostly eat any leafy greens. Although dragons can eat leafy lettuces, they consist of mostly water and hold no nutritional value. More healthy staples should be fed such as endive, collards, mustard greens, turnip greens, etc.

What vegetable does a bearded dragon eat?

The adult bearded dragons staple diet should be dark, leafy greens, like collard greens. Very young lizards need to have lots and lots of insects, crickets are a good choice for this. You should start introducing vegetables at a young age. The best veggies are collard greens, mustard greens, escarole, endive, turnip tops, dandelion, and raw shredded butternut squash. Mine tend to like Endive and collards the best and they all love the squash.

What color is an endive?

the color of an endive is green and white

What are endive spears?

It's a type of lettuce.

What is the difference between escarole and edive?

Escarole and endive are the main varieties of endive cultivated for use in cooking. Endive is known as narrow-leaved, or curly, endive, while escarole is known as broad-leaved endive. Like narrow-leaved endive it also has frilled edges to its leaves. There is quite a family of related leafy vegetables, from chicory to radiccio and whitloof.

Is a Belgian endive a fruit or a vegetable?

Belgian endive is a vegetable of the chicory genus

Is endive a name?

It can be...

What are the types of lettuce?

there are several types of lettuc some include: boston bib lettuce raddichi romaine spinach curly endive arugula swiss chard baby endive endive

What is a salad plant beginning with e?

Eggplant I think :) Escarole, endive, edamame

Can you list all the vegetables bearded dragons can eat?

Not all, but some. Here is a list of some beardie-safe fruits and vegetables: Collard Greens Dandelion Greens Endive Escarole Mustard Greens Turnip Greens Acorn Squash Butternut Squash Hubbard Squash Green Beans Peas Parsnips Turnips Scallop Squash Spaghetti Squash Summer Squash Sweet potato Figs Mango Papaya Raspberries Cactus Pad/Leaf

What green vegetable starts with E?

Endive and elephant garlic are vegetables. They begin with the letter e.