

Best Answer

Loggerhead turtles most likely are secondary as the sharks are the apex predators. Hope this helps :)

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Q: Is a loggerhead turtle a secondary consumer?
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Is a turtle a consumer or a secondary consumer?

It depends on what species of sea turtle your talking about, there are sea turtles that are primary consumers and there are sea turtles that are secondary consumers.

Is a turtle a secondary consumer or a primary consumer?

It depends on what species of sea turtle your talking about, there are sea turtles that are primary consumers and there are sea turtles that are secondary consumers.

When was Loggerhead sea turtle created?

Loggerhead sea turtle was created in 1758.

What is a loggerhead turtle?

A loggerhead turtle is an organism that lives in the neritic portion of the ocean

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Loggerhead musk turtle was created in 1857.

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the loggerhead turtle

Is a sea turtle a secondary consumer or primary?

It depends on what species of sea turtle your talking about, there are sea turtles that are primary consumers and there are sea turtles that are secondary consumers.

Is crush of nemo a loggerhead?

Yes it's a Loggerhead Sea Turtle

Is the loggerhead sea turtle the biggest turtle?

The leatherback is the largest sea turtle.

What is The group Name For Loggerhead Turtles?

the group name of a loggerhead turtle is a clutch

What is the stauts of a Loggerhead Turtle?
