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yes. they are consumer because it cant produce its own food

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Q: Is a iguana a consumer
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Related questions

What kind of consumer is a desert iguana?

The desert iguana is a plant eater, a primary consumer.

Where are iguana's on the food web?

In a normal food chain, iguana acts a second level consumer. The chain will be as follows: Grass --> Insects --> Iguana --> Birds

What is the scientific name for the iguana?

Iguana is a genus of herbivorous lizards native to Central America. There are two species of iguana, Iguana delicatessima (Lesser Antillean Iguana), and Iguana iguana (Green Iguana). There are several similar genera that are commonly referred to as iguanas.

What is baby iguana called?

The common name is the 'Green Iguana' probably the most common/famous iguana

What is a type of lizard that begins with an i?

iguana iguana

How many species of iguana are there?

13 in all species of iguanas iguana 2.fujji iguana 3.spiney tailled iguana iguana 5.rock iguana iguana 7.marine iguana 8. desart iguana 9. rhino iguana 10. cayman iguana 11. chuckwella 12. water dragon 13 basilisk/ Jesus Christ lizard

What is the smallest iguana?

The smallest iguana is the Lesser Antillean iguana (Iguana delicatissima), which typically grows to about 13-17 inches in length.

Do Iguana iguana live in the desert?

Yes, there are some species of iguana, especially the desert iguana, of the Americasmmthat live in deserts.

Can an iguana fly?

Not a common iguana.

Do Iguana iguana migrate?


Is the iguana a rodent?

No. The iguana is a reptile.

How many iguana species are there?

13 in all species of iguanas iguana 2.fujji iguana 3.spiney tailled iguana iguana 5.rock iguana iguana 7.marine iguana 8. desart iguana 9. rhino iguana 10. cayman iguana 11. chuckwella 12. water dragon 13 basilisk/ jesus christ lizard