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No it is a reptile.

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Q: Is a gecko a mammal
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Is a leopard reptile?

A leopard is a mammal [ wild cat ] and a leopard gecko is a reptile, I believe.

What is the difference between a horse and a Gecko?

a horse is a mammal which is habibitable on only land and is native to europe and asia. a gecko is a reptilian and lives on both land and water and breaths air. you must be 5 to not know that

What is the scientific name for Tokay Gecko?

The scientific name for Tokay Gecko is Gekko gecko.

What types of leopard gecko is there?

They have the same name, but their color might be different. The spots and striped might be at their tail, the whole body, or the head. Their skin colors can be yellow, pinkish-orange, and that's all i know. :D

What is the most common type of gecko?

Day gecko, leopard gecko and crested gecko

What is gecco?

Assuming you mean gecko, its a lizard. Google them, there is the Leopard Gecko, Crested Gecko, and the Gargoyle Gecko, just to get you started

What is the best kind of Gecko for a pet?

I would say a Crested Gecko, although you can get a colourful gecko like a loepard gecko

Can a crested gecko mate with another type of crested gecko?

A crested gecko is a crested gecko, i think you may have mistaken this as morphs or you meant another species of gecko; if another species of gecko, no, if another morph yes.

The crested gecko is found in what part of the world?

The crested gecko is a species of gecko native to southern New Caledonia. This creatures are also known as New Caledonian Crested Gecko, Guichenot's Giant Gecko or Eyelash Gecko.

What can a gecko do that no other reptile can do?

be a gecko

How do you spell gecko in German?


What are the lyrics to the gecko song on Animal Jam?

To the tune of the cancan: Gecko gecko gecko gecko etc. then somewhere in the middle there's random facts about geckos. Sorry it's bad