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It all depends on the breed and attitude.Leopard geckos are a very good pet though ive just got it.But if its moody and dosent like you touching it its all right but if it lets you stroke it all the time its an amazing pet!

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Q: Is a gecko a good class pet?
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Related questions

Is a panther gecko a good pet for kids?

yes they are good for kids

What gecko makes a good pet?

the leopard gecko makes a great pet. they do not have sticky hands so they cannot climb out of the tank and escape

Where should in buy crickets for your leopard gecko?

pet store i got mine from pet smart good price

What is a colourful gecko?

A colorful gecko is a leopard gecko i recommend getting one if your looking for a pet

What is the best kind of Gecko for a pet?

I would say a Crested Gecko, although you can get a colourful gecko like a loepard gecko

What is the cutest but best class pet to have?

A Gecko has larger eyes and bulgy eyes are cute or a hamster would do but a grey or white one.

When is the webkinz lemon lime gecko the pet of the month?

It is uncertain whether or not the Lemon Lime Gecko will ever be the pet of the month.

Is being a class pet good?

depends on the class/school.

What is a good class pet for science class?

A good class pet would be a gerbil or a guinea pig I have 2 gerbils and theyre good with people and and rabbits have heart attacks easily!

Can a palmato gecko be a pet?


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training them

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