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publication, and the presentation of the material, do not.... the Acceding States and evidence that the CITES Appendix-I listed Kleinmann's Tortoise Testudo ... information on the Annex-A listed species for which Article 10 certificates have .... banned from import to the EU) with the intention of selling these in the EU after their ...

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Q: In UK why do you need an article 10 certificate to sell a hermanns tortoise but not to sell a burmese python when both are listed as appendix 2 on CITES?
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Were can you buy a tunisian tortoise?

The Tunisian tortoise, Furchulachelys naebulensis, is a very rare and endangered tortoise. It is protected to the level of CITES appendix 1 and any offered for sale or trade must have an article 10 certificate and be fitted with a microchip if they are 10cms long or longer. They are a very beautiful and active tortoise. There are breeders around but they are few and far between. Tunisian tortoises are not the easiest torts to keep in the UK, being very prone to illness if the conditions are not just right. They must NOT be hibernated in the winter. You may be better advised to buy a Horsfields, Hermanns or Mediterranean Spur Thighed which are far easier to find and easier to keep.

Are tortoises legal pets in the UK?

Yes, tortoises are legal pets in the UK, but there are certain species that are protected and require specific permits or licenses to keep. The Hermann's tortoise and the Greek spur-thighed tortoise, for example, require an Article 10 certificate under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) regulations.

What is the possessive form of the word appendix?

The correct plural of appendix depends on the circumstances. If you are talking about the text at the end of a book or article, either the plural appendices or appendixes is correct. If you are talking about the organ in the body, appendixes is the only plural.

What is the human appendix?

The appendix is a dead-end tube in the intestines. It has no function, and it causes problems in many people, in the form of appendicitis, which is a disease caused by the appendix. When people contract appendicitis, they must get surgery to have their appendix removed.

How do you get a certificate of authenticity for autographed golf memorabilia?

You could take it to a professional who studies autographs and get him to confirm that it is the genuine article.

How do I find the hare and tortoise story?

The basic story is that the tortoise and the hare decided to have a race, and the hare, being so fast, got ahead so far that it decided to take a nap, while the tortoise, which was much slower, just kept walking. The hare woke up to find that the tortoise had passed her, and won the race. The moral is "slow and steady wins the race." It is basically a tale encouraging us to keep at it even if we aren't the best... as long as we keep working at it, we can still succeed. There is a comprehensive Wikipedia article on the 'race. Just search 'the tortoise and the hare' on Wikipedia for the fully detailed story.

My house isn't very big and we want to get a pet tortoise what type of tortoise should we get that is suitable for a small home?

The best species for you would be aHermann. (Testudio Hermanni) These are a small Mediterranean species.You will require a tortoise table with heat & UV lamps (or a combined heat/UV lamp). Under no circumstances should you keep a tortoise in a vivarium. It will need to be fed on weeds, such as Dandelion, Hawkbits, Chicory, Sow Thistle, Clover, Prickly Ox Tongue etc. DO NOT FEED ON CAT/DOG FOOD. Your tortoise will require a protein free, high fibre diet with an emphasis on the essential need for calcium.Before buying, I would recommend that you visit the Tortoise Trust website for full information on keeping a tortoise. www.tortoisetrust.orgRight now (November/December - March [Northern Hemisphere]) is not a good time to buy, since these tortoises should be in hibernation. Wait until the spring. I would also urge you NOT to buy an animal from a pet shop, without checking first that it has been bred in captivity in the UK (or whichever country you live in), there are very good reasons not to buy imported animals. These tortoise are protected by CITES. Ask to see the Article 10 certificate (or equivalent in your country), if the shop cannot supply one, the tortoise may be illegal and should be reported to the authorities. If the certificate shows it to have been bred in Slovenia (or some other former eastern block nation), do not buy it. These tortoises are often illegally taken from the wild and legalised by DEFRA (UK) at the point of entry into the UK. I would not be surprised if this happens in other countries. They may well have health issues and may well have been subjected to a terrifying ordeal. (See While buying from these sources may save the individual tortoise from misery, it only serves to put even more pressure on the wild population when the poachers come back for more, to supply the unscrupulous members of the pet trade.I would certainly recommend that you consider re-homing a needy tortoise. This can be done through either the Tortoise Trust or the Tortoise Protection Group in the UK, or other similar organisations in other parts of the world. Such organisations may ask you for a contribution to their operating costs, but this will usually be far less than you will pay for a tortoise from a pet shop, and you will get good advice on keeping your new pet.

Is there an anti terrorism certificate for banking?

No, its part of an internet scam, and you should not participate in it. There is no such thing as an "anti-terrorism certificate." I enclose the link to an excellent article about this scam and the two men who were running it (and making millions from fooling innocent people).

What is an appendix in a book?

An appendix is usually extra material that can be helpful as a reference, or a huge table that would distract if it were included as part of the main book. There could be more than one appendix. It usually shows up after the main part of the book, but is unlike a glossary or index because it is actual extra content instead of a guide or list of common terms.

Body structures that don't seem to have a function?

One example of a body structure that doesn't seem to have a function is the human appendix. This small, pouch-like organ located near the junction of the small and large intestines has historically been considered a vestigial structure with no clear purpose in modern humans. Other examples include remnants of the tailbone in humans and wisdom teeth, which are often considered vestigial structures that served a purpose in our ancestors but are less functional in present-day humans.

Is appendix the same as Index?

appendix-supplementary material at the end of a book, article, document, or other text, usually of an explanatory, statistical, or bibliographic nature. index-(in a nonfiction book, monograph, etc.) a more or less detailed alphabetical listing of names, places, and topics along with the numbers of the pages on which they are mentioned or discussed, usually included in or constituting the back matter. they are kind of the same, but not exactly.

What is the equation to calculate the stored energy for a pneumatic test for vessel?

ASME PCC-2 Part 5, Article 5.1 Mandatory Appendix II has the calculation to calculate stored energy (in ft-lbs), and converting to equivalent pounds of TNT.