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Yes. Most venomous snakes have several sets of fangs and if they lose one set they are quickly replaced.

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Q: If a snake losses teeth can they grow back?
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Whales have bristles, not teeth. So no their teeth do not grow back.

Do baby back teeth grow back?

No u don't get ur baby teeth back u then grow ur adult teeth !

Do your baby teeth grow back?

No u don't get ur baby teeth back u then grow ur adult teeth !

Do wolf teeth grow back?

Adult wolf teeth do not grow back. In fact, teeth do not regenerate in any mammal once they have reached adulthood.

Do first permanent teeth grow back once more if they fall out in a child?

you can get two teeth your primary "baby: teeth and your permanent "adult" teeth. when you lose you adult teeth it will not grow back

How does a great white shark teeth grow back?

New teeth grow to replace those the shark has lost, Because it has back up rows of teeth behind those that it loses. Sometimes they can have up to 5 rows of teeth at one time!From what i understand about sharks is that they (unlike humans) continue to make teeth throughout their lifetime. Tiger sharks included.

Your hamster has broken his two bottom teeth you've crushed up his food pellets and will his teeth grow back please answer I'm very worried?

Hamsters' teeth are very much like a human beings if they were permanent teeth they will not grow back but if they were baby teeth they probably will grow back.

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Will cats die if wiskers are cut?

they will grow back they will not die if one of their whiskers fall out it is like us we lose our teeth and our teeth grow into adult teeth right? will for them they lose their whiskers and like I said they grow back.

Can you grow teeth after your baby teeth fell out?

Yes because even when you have baby teeth your grown up teeth are in the back getting ready to grow

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You got 2 teeth pulled out how do you make the adult teeth grow back it?

If it was the first teeth that was pulled the adult ones will grow up there in time. You just have to wait. If it was the adult ones that was pulled nothing will grow back. You have no more teeth in that place.