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It's one snake.

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Q: If a snake has two heads is it a snake or two snakes?
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Is their any snake having two heads with out tail?

Yes there is a snake with two heads without tail, however such snakes are rarest of the rare.

What happens when a snake is born with two heads?

When snakes are born with two heads, they fight each other for food.

How many heads can a snake be born with?

A snake is normally only born one head. Snakes can occasionally be born with two heads if two embryos merge inside the egg. Such snakes usually do not live long.

What snakes are in Arizona?

Could be a lot of snakes. Better to look at the head. In North America, snakes with oval heads are most likely a non-venomous snake. Diamond heads are most likely venomous. The only exception is the coral snake.

Why do people catch snakes and keep the snakehead?

People catch snakes and keep the snake heads to sell to places of business or individual consumers. Private collectors also look into buying snake heads and sometime the snake's skin.

Can snakes have more then two eyes?

It is possible, but extremely rare. If a snake has two heads, that means four eyes instead of two. I don't know if a snake can have more than two eyes on one head, but yes, having more than two eyes is possible for a snake.

What does it mean when a man is chasing rattlesnakes down the road then there are two snakes intwined and one turns into a cat?

My best answer to me could be: One snake that are cat-snakes, with two heads. I think that you might be on LSD or something man

Why do snakes sometimes have two heads?

It is a genetic flaw or mutation. Snakes do not naturally have 2 heads

What is the name of snake with two side heads without tail?

there are many snakes that have been seen with two heads most of which are usually caused by a genetic disorder but the yellow lipped sea krait is one that has a head at either end

Can snakes be born with two heads?

Yes, snakes can be born with two heads in a rare condition known as polycephaly. This happens when the embryo fails to fully split into two separate individuals during development. While these two-headed snakes can survive in captivity with proper care, they usually have difficulty surviving in the wild.

Can people eat snake heads?

People eat snakes in various parts of the world. although I can't see there being a lot of meat on the head of a snake.

Which type of snake typically has oval shaped head and round eyes?

As a general rule of thumb, non-poisionous snakes usually have oval shaped heads and round eyes. Venomous snakes tend to have more angular heads and eyes.Nearly impossible to answer here, many snakes have "oval" shaped heads and most of the harmless snakes have round pupils. One venomous snake that would fit this category is the Coral snake.