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Care isn't that tough. A link is provided. Growth is dependent of food and the health of the critter. They might not grow as fast as was asked, even under ideal conditions. They grow fairly quickly into the "adult" stage, but then grow more slowly later on. Good luck.

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Q: I have a snapping turtle that looks like he's 4 years old and is about the size of your fist and I need to know what it will eat. And is it true that every 2 years they grow 7 inches?
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Snapping turtle that looks like he's 4 years old about the size of your fist and you need to know what it will eat?

It is not good practice to deny the turtle what it will eat.

How do you tell a snapping turtle from a box turtle?

Snapping Turtles have...large, bulky, headsreally long tailsgrey skinridged and spiky shellssharp, pointed beakswild ones usually act aggressive with the signature snapthey can not with draw their head into their shelllong necksthere is a gap between the head and the top of the shell

What a snapping turtle looks like?

They are usually small, but grow to be really big! You can also tell is their a snapping turtle if you see points on his mouth. DON'T PUT YOUR HAND NEAT ONE! If it gets a hold of your hand they are most likely not to let go of it.A snapping Turtle has a dirty looking shell that has usually no color on it and they have pointy tails and sharp teeth so watch out and very long strong necks once they get a hold of something its hard to get it back or out so don't put your finger to close

How do sea turtles adapt to their environment?

A sea turtle adapts by eating kelp and fish.A sea turtle is a truly amazing reptile with many different adaptations. One of its adaptations is its hard shell. The shell protects a sea turtle like a shield from many predators. Another adaptation that a sea turtle has is its flippers. A sea turtle's flippers help it swim smoothly. They are also built for digging in the sand. A sea turtle has a very interesting adaptation near its eyes. There is a gland that helps release salt from the ocean. So, on land, it looks like a sea turtle is crying. Without these adaptations, sea turtles may not survive in the wild.they eat kelp

What does a snapping turtle's poop look like?

well if you are eating or just ate then stop reading. But if you havent then continue. It looks slimey and wet and comes in colors of brown and green. Its really gross.

Should you keep a baby snapping turtle if you find it?

It is not recommended to keep a baby snapping turtle as a pet. Snapping turtles require specific care and can grow to be quite large and aggressive. It is best to allow them to remain in their natural habitat for their well-being.

What does a turtle look like?

She looks like her mother told her to. No, seriously. . . |like a turtle|

What does a mother turtle look like?

She looks like her mother told her to. No, seriously. . . |like a turtle|

Why was it named the turtle submarine?

It is named that because the top of the sub looks like a turtle's shell.

How does a tortoise look like?

It looks like a turtle that is old.

How does turtle looks like?

it has a shell and is slow and kinda wrinkly

What personification could you use to describe a turtle?

"Slow" is probably the adjective most often associated with turtles. Other possibilities are deliberate, shy, and green. Adjectives are also used to identify specific turtle types, such as snapping turtles, box turtles, and sea turtles.