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Not a bath, like with shampoo, BUT you should occasionally soak them in warm water. This helps them shed. Use this method in combination with Zoo Med's Shedding Aid, and you have beardie that will shed healthily.

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13y ago
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13y ago

You can give yours a bath once or twice a week. they need hydration to keep alive. although bearded dragons DONT drink, it is good if you put a water bowl in their vivarium with them, to provide humidity. Please note: giving bearded dragons a bath will stimulate them, because they are cold blooded the warmth of the water should heat them up and, well, cause them to poop. most would say once a week for an adult and twice a week for a juvenile (beardie under 1 years old). but sometimes depending on how often you feed them, they should be fine for even up to 2 weeks without a bathe: eg: if you feed them alot they will need to poop more thus needing to bath more, if you keep them on a strict diet, they may not need to poo as much and so forth.

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14y ago

Yes they do then can be bathed like every couple months but they don't freak out but just keep your eye on them

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14y ago

Bearded Dragons are native to hot, dry climates - they dont need a bath as such, but you can 'mist' them with water when they're going through the shedding process.

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13y ago

you should atleast give them a bath 1 or 2 times a month

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Q: How often do you put your bearded dragons in for a bath?
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Should you put your bearded dragons back in its cage when your done giving it a bath?

You can put it back in its cage after it takes a bath.

Can you put two bearded dragons in a 55 gallon tank?

No you should not 2 bearded dragons should be put in at least a 75 gallon tank. You could put them in a 55 gallon tank but they would be extremely stressed out.

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Why does my Bearded Dragon freeze when you put her in warm water?

Probably because Bearded Dragons would never submergethemselves in water, in their natural environment ! Bearded dragons are desert species ! The nearest they would get to water - would be to drink !

Is it ok to put a plastic background in a viarium with bearded dragons?

Personally I would stick it to the OUTSIDE so it shows through the vivarium. That way, it won't get damaged by the Bearded Dragons claws when it is moving around.

Can anole lizards and bearded dragons coexist in the same terrarium?

Nope - they are from completely different areas of the planet (Anoles are tropical species, Bearded Dragons are dessert species) they require totally different living conditions and temperature ranges !

How do you expose bearded dragons to natural sunlight?

No dont put the tank by the window take your beardie outside with you and hold him/her in your hands.

Can bearded dragons live with ridge tailed monitors?

No ! The Monitor will attack your Beardie over territory - Do NOT put them in the same cage !

Would it be a good idea to put a few pieces of greens in your bearded dragons water to try and get him to drink a bit?

No - Bearded Dragons get most of their moisture from the crickets they eat, and only require water for drinking if THEY want to drink it. You CANNOT force a reptile to drink if it doesn't want to !

Why do bearded dragons bury themselves in their sand?

to keep themselves warm at night. so you need to put a lot of that sand with calcium in it

Can you make a duct tape costume for your bearded dragon?

I wouldnt, the duct tape could catch on one of their scales in trying to put it on or take it off, and it could rip it off. Clothes arent meant to put on bearded dragons XD

How long does a bearded dragon live with its mother?

If they live to a ripe old age for bearded dragons,they should live to about 10-12 years, although my last beardy lived to about 7 years old