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It depends on the individual pet or wild animal. A very small amount can sicken iguanas, and if they are already unhealthy, kill them. Similarly, fresh radiator coolant is more likely to seriously poison pets than old or dilute coolant.

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Q: How much rat poison or battery acid is needed to kill an iguana?
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Can a battery poison you?

Battery acid is a highly corrosive acid made from sulfur dioxide. It will poison you if its digested. It can burn your skin to. Becareful. Hope this helps :)

How many quarts of acid is needed for battery?

That depends a lot on the battery. They do come in different sizes.

What are the uses for car battery acid?

battery acid is a mixture of sulphuric acid and Lead sulphate. Because of the high lead content battery acid should be used for nothing else but that. Lead is a commulative poison (is retained by the body so it builds up) and should be handled only in controlled applications.

What is the limiting reactant of a lead acid battery?

In a lead acid battery, the limiting reactant is typically the sulfuric acid (H2SO4) electrolyte. This is because the sulfuric acid provides the ions needed for the electrochemical reactions to occur at the electrodes. If there is not enough sulfuric acid present, the battery's performance can be limited.

What do do when swallow battery acid?

Call your local poison control center, and explain the situation. They'll give you further info.

What could happen if you inhale auto motor battery acid?

Contact poison control if any swelling or faint heartedness occurs.

What is a battery acid?

A battery acid is a variety of acid used as an electrolyte in a battery - usually sulphuric acid.

How much baking soda is needed to neutralize the sulfuric acid in a car battery?

6 tablespoons.

How much baking soda is needed to neutralize car battery acid?

No much, just sprinkle it on the spill.

Is sulfuric acid the same as battery acid?

Battery acid is commonly a dilute solution of sulfuric acid used in lead-acid batteries. While they both primarily consist of sulfuric acid, battery acid may contain additional components such as water or other additives specific to battery chemistry.

What is the function of battery acid?

Battery acid is made of sulfuric acid, a strong acid.

Is rat poison an acid or a base?

A poison can be acidic, basic and neutral