The way to take care of a baby slider is u have 2 go 2 a pet store and ask 4 repto min its the smallest bottle feed the turtle about 3 or 4 it depends thoe..... If it eats half of them then that's how many they are feeden..........then as they grow get the bigger bottles till they are the size of the plate.
when i bought my Red Eared Slider Turtle in turtle shack.comit was$12.00.but i dont know if they are cheaper.
I thunk it cost about 79.00
It will cost anywhere from 40 dollars a visit to 60 dollars a visit. It depends on where you take it and what kind of care it ends up needing.
The cost of a pet turtle can vary depending on the species, where you purchase it, and if it includes setup costs like a tank, heater, and lighting. On average, a pet turtle can cost between $20 to $200. Additionally, ongoing expenses for food, supplies, and veterinary care should be factored in.
from $40.00 to 55.00
they are like 916 dollars and 99 cents
land turtle
A aquatic turtle because of it's special needs. A turtle is easier.
It depends how big your turtle is. However, in New Jersey, it is illegal to have turtles as pets due to the fact of how much diseases it holds. If you live in another state, it will depend on how big the cage is, how big your turtle is, how much he is, and others.