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A healthy red tail boa in captivity that dies of natural causes can live to be anywhere between 15-25 years. On rare occasions they will top the 30 year mark.

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12y ago

Anywhere from 8-10 ft. long.

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Q: How many years can a red tail boa live?
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What biome do red-tail boa's live in?


How long does red tail boa live?

it normally will take about 4-6 weeks for them to shed, given the appropriate moisture

How many years does boa snake live for?

A boa constrictor generally lives anywhere from 20-30 years, though some have lived up to 40. It depends on their environment.

How long do Boa live in captivity?

Healthy Boa's usually live around 20-30 years in captivity. I've had my Boa for 17 years now, hes still going strong.

How many legs does a boa have?

Yes boa's do have legs,tehy are very small, and have claws. They are located toward the end of the tail.

How long does the boa constrictor live in the wild?

56 years

How long do Constrictor live in captivity?

Healthy Boa's usually live around 20-30 years in captivity. I've had my Boa for 17 years now, hes still going strong.

How many pounds of pressure can a red tail boa sueeze per inch?


Where can one find more information about Red Tail Boas?

Red-Tail Boa snakes can live to be 30, grown to over 10 feet and weight up to 50 pounds. There are a number of websites that provide information about this type of snake. They include Red Tail Boa FAQ, Anapsid and Rio Bravo Reptiles.

What are some snakes that are born alive?

Only one kind of snake is born live and that would be the Colombian red tail boa

Can you feed your red tail boa a garter snake?

Absolutely NOT ! Boa Constrictors are RODENT eaters !

Is a red tail boa snake poisnous?

Nope - members of the Boa family are constrictors - not venomous.