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For a baby I don't recommend superworms. I would recommend feeding them small crickets and mealworms (with their heads cut off). Be cautious with mealworms, if you don't cut their heads off before feeding them to the dragon they have (although not often) been known to eat their way back out.... right through the dragon's stomache.

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16y ago
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14y ago

"It isn't really safe to feed beardies super worms unless you crush the worm's head first because if the beardie doesn't crush the head when they eat it, it won't die and will kill the lizard by eating the beardie's insides better choices are meal worms, wax worms, or crickets"

actually it is safe to give Supers in limited quantities. If the dragon doesn't crush the supers head when they eat them the stomach acid will kill them. Just start slow with the feeding, 2-5 at once, and watch the poop for undigested pieces. If you find some make sure your temps for basking are hot enough and try again. once you don't see any pieces left then you can increase the number you feed, but supers should still be a secondary staple as their calcium content is low and fat is high.

Meal worms have a hard shell that is not easilly digested and wax worms are nothing but fat, and are sometimes referred to as beardy crack. once you start feeding wax worrms for more then a treat it is almost impossible to get the beardy to eat anything else.

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13y ago

Wax worms are a good treat for bearded dragons, but should not be used as a staple food for your pet because of their high fat content. A few once or twice a week does no harm. For a finicky eater, I recommend ordering some silkworms

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13y ago

Rule of thumb feed as many as they will and can eat in a 10-15 minute span.

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Q: How many super worms can a bearded dragon eat?
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What are good worms to give to a bearded dragon?

Good worms to feed to your bearded dragons are super worms. NEVER never never feed them wax worms, meal worms, or any other kind because these worms have hard exoskeletons, which could get lodged in the lizards throat and choke it. Many people have lost their beardies to this. Super worms are good in nutrition, but keep it as a rare treat for them. Just stick to feeding your beardie crickets and different veggies.

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two i can think of komodo dragon bearded dragon

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Bearded worms are interesting creatures. These creatures have about 200 to 300 + tentacles depending on the species.

Is a bearded dragon supposed to have a red neck?

yes, beardies come in many colors and shapes. dont be worried. he may be a red sandfire bearded dragon.

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Mice are NOT part of their natural diet ! They feed on small insects (crickets, small locusts, wax worms etc) and green, leafy vegetables !

How many insects do you feed a bearded dragon?

about for adults 6 or 7

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Can a bearded dragon have a stroke?

Yes, but it isn't common. There are many more ailments that might mimic the symptoms. If your bearded dragon is not behaving normally, take it to an experienced reptile veterinarian.

Can you feed bearded dragons grub worms?

no way!! it is bad for ur baby? havent u ever heard of baby food (apple sause, and peas?!) i would never take that risk beside they sound gross! would u even eat them?Edit: do NOT feed baby food to a Bearded dragon ! It is highly processed food for human consumption and is not part of its natural diet ! It's the equivalent of a human eating ten 'big macs' three times a day every day ! I am sick of the (apparently large) number of people on here that feed reptiles on food they would never eat in their natural habitat !

How many babies does a bearded dragon have in one litter?

6 to 40 but 20 on average