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Q: How many people die each year from snake bites in Europe especially among breeders venomous snakes?
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What has determined how the people in Europe live?

Europeans have a very high standard of living, especially in Western Europe. In fact, Western Europe has the highest standard of living in the world.

Do dogs from puppy mills and breeders are abused?

Only from puppy mills. But maybe breeders can. There are mean people out their.

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Do people kill animals?

yes sharks can kill people. venomous snakes can kill people. anything large or venomous or posionous can kill people. even ants can kill somebody

Do cobras kill people?

venomous ones can.

What locations have the highest number of Ferrari owners?

Many people in Europe Especially in Italy where they manufacture the car

How has immigration affected Europe?

Immigration is one of the reasons why Europe's population growth rate is so low today. Especially in Eastern Europe, mass waves of people are migrating, causing the population to drop.

Why do breeders and animals lovers treat other people so badly?

It sounds like you have had some bad experiences with breeders and/or animal lovers. This is not an indication of the behavior of all breeders or all animal lovers however.

What are oriental people?

The word "orient" means the countries of the East, especially East Asia - situated in the East. So "oriental people" are those people from or living in the East (as observed from Europe).

Why are snakes misunderstood?

because people think all snakes are venomous