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They will give an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, an egg for an egg.

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11y ago
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13y ago

turtle can lay up to one hundred eggs. most of them will not make it to after they hatch bc of the predatorss.

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11y ago

up to 400 eggs

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Q: How many eggs a female turtle gives?
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How many eggs does a female box turtle usually lay at a time?

The female turtle lays at least 20 eggs

How many eggs at a time does a female box turtle usually lay?

The female turtle lays at least 20 eggs

How many eggs does a female box turtle usally lay?

to abut 100 a year

How many eggs do a sea turtle lays and why?

The female sea turtle can lay up to 80-120 eggs. Then it takes about 2-4 months to hatch. They need to lay that many eggs because there is a small chance that any of the 80-120 eggs will survive.

How many eggs can a sea turtle lay?

a sea turtle can lay 50-160 eggs but they lay 10 per minute.

How many eggs can a flatback turtle lay?

There are approximately 54 eggs in a flatback turtle's clutch. During a single nesting season, a female flatback may nest as many as 4 times (with a period of a little over two weeks between each laying.) This means in a single season a Flatback Turtle can lay upwards of 215 eggs. After this, the female will not lay again for 2-3 years.

Can a female turtle has a baby turtle without a male turtle?

What is necessary is sperms of male turtle . So if there is presence of undamaged sperms in surrounding water then female can be fertilized .

How many babies turtle can a girl turtle have?

It depends on the type of turtle it is. A female spotted turtle can only have 1 or 2 eggs due to its size, it only gets 5 in long. A Box turtle can have 7 or eight eggs due to its size, it gets up to a foot long. See, it all depends on what type of turtle it is and how long they get.

How many babies can sea turtles have?

Sea turtles do not have families. The female turtle lays her eggs on shore and then leaves. The babies hatch but never return to their mother. Female turtles usually lay about 100 eggs at a time.

How many eggs does a female dolphin lay?

A female dolphin doesn't lay any eggs at all. The dolphin is a mammal and gives live birth to their young.

How many babies do turtles have during breeding season?

The female hawksbill turtle lays an average of 4 clutches of eggs each breeding season. Each clutch of eggs contains an average of 150 eggs. The female green turtle lays an average of 4 clutches of eggs each breeding season. Each clutch of eggs contains an average of 110 eggs. The female leatherback turtle lays an average of 7 clutches of eggs each breeding season. Each clutch of eggs contains an average of 85 eggs. These turtles do not breed every year, rather every 2-4 years I really didnt know what specific turtle you were talking about so i just put this one

Do millepedes lay eggs If so is it the male or the female who lays the eggs How many eggs do they lay at once?

Female millipedes may lay as many as 2,000 eggs, but a few hundred is more likely. THE FEMALE. the only animal that the male lays the eggs (which isn't entirely true because the female makes the egs then GIVES the eggs to the male) is the seahorse.