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As many as it will eat within about ten minutes. Bearded Dragons actively hunt their food - eating enough to 'fill them up' before resting. Simply feed a few at a time - until your Beardie stops eating - then just drop the same amount in the vivarium next time.

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Q: How many crickets should a 10 in bearded dragon eat?
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How many crickets should your 4 month old bearded dragon eat?

4 or less 6 3 in the morning and 3 at night

How many times a week can you groom a bearded dragon?

This question worries me as your bearded dragon should be fed every day! The petshops feed them every other day but if you would like your beardie to maintain a healthy diet, you really should be feeding him/her daily with fruit and veg along with some live food like crickets.

What happpens when a 7 month old bearded dragon eats 57 small baby crickets?

If it's eating that many at one feed - you need to increase the size of the crickets you're feeding it !

Would Crickets hurt your Bearded drangon?

no. but if there are far to many crickets in the cage it will hurt it.

How many crickets should a 2 year old bearded dragon eat a day?

about 32 two or three times a week. with a daily salad of dark greens veggies and fruit. no iceburg though. gives the beardie the runs and dehydrates them.

How many Dubia roaches should I feed my baby bearded dragon?

You should feed your baby bearded dragon 5-10 appropriately sized Dubia roaches per feeding, 2-3 times a day.

How many times should a normal Bearded Dragon eat in a day?

4 times aday

How many dropping does a baby bearded dragon have to do?

As many as it does

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How many mices can you feed a bearded dragon every week?

Mice are NOT part of their natural diet ! They feed on small insects (crickets, small locusts, wax worms etc) and green, leafy vegetables !

How many crickets a week do bearded dragons eat?

Our Dragon is 6 years old and only occasionally eats crickets and/or mealworms. She'll eat about 18-24 crickets in a serving once a week. However, she enjoys stringbeans, mixed green salad (not iceberg lettuce or spinach since both are not good for a dragon), grapes, and strawberry (cut up). If you're giving your Dragon these foods, you don't really need the live food all that often when they're mature.

How many types of dragon are there alive in the world today?

two i can think of komodo dragon bearded dragon