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Crested geckos should not be breeding all year round, as this can quickly deplete their calcium stores and weaken the animal. As a hobbyist, we are trying to mimic their natural environment and in the wild, a crested gecko undergoes a cooling period. During the winter months in New Caledonia, a crested geckos metabolism slows, they spend less time awake during the nights and they do not breed in order to build up enough fat and calcium for the next season. In captivity, cresteds will lay egg from March/April - October/November. During this period, they will lay 2 hard shelled eggs 2-4 inches deep in moist soil every 30-45days. These eggs then incubate for 60-120 days depending on heat and moisture.

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As with most wild animals, they're usually solitary creatures - only seeking each other out for breeding purposes. If you must keep more than one in the same vivarium, you're better off keeping them in a 'harem' setting - that is one male to a number of females. Males kept together will probably attack each other to assert dominance.

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Where do geckos live?

Geckos live in forests, grasslands, & jungles, & deserts.A gecko lives in the warm regions on our Earth. There are so many species of geckos in the world. Some examples are - crested, leopard, golden, and tokay. The most common geckos sold in commercial stores are the leopard, crested, and house. Leopard geckos are found in the deserts of Pakistan, western India, Afghanistan, and Iran. Crested geckos are found in New Caledonia, which is a tropical island by Australia. The house gecko can be found in southeastern Asia and in northern parts of Africa. Some geckos are tropical and some are desert species - it just depends on what kind they are. Those are the main types of geckos.they live in samdy arias and and have been known to live in maingroves

Why can geckos live in the dessert?

A gecko lives in the warm regions on our Earth.There are so many species of geckos in the world. Some examples are - crested, leopard, golden, and tokay. The most common geckos sold in commercial stores are the leopard, crested, and house. Leopard geckos are found in the deserts of Pakistan, western India, Afghanistan, and Iran. Crested geckos are found in New Caledonia, which is a tropical island by Australia. The house gecko can be found in southeastern Asia and in northern parts of Africa. Some geckos are tropical and some are desert species - it just depends on what kind they are. Those are the main types of geckos.

What are all the gecko breeds?

* Leopard geckos * Crested Geckos * White Lined Geckos (Skunk Geckos) * Fat-Tailed Geckos * House Geckos * Tokay Geckos * Golden Geckos * Madagascar Ground Geckos * Day Geckos

Can a leopard gecko live with a crested gecko?

Crested geckos are able, though not always willing, to adapt with gargoyle geckos. Though these two species are native to the same region, they are not found on the same islands within Caledonia. The gargoyle geckos are a much more territorial and aggressive species. They are also more robust and typically weigh more than a crested and even in same specie enclosures animals cannot be too much bigger than the other.

What is the besttype of gecko for beginars?

Leopard geckos or Crested geckos. Make sure BEFORE you buy the gecko you read as many articles you can about it. And remember only ONE male per tank! Good luck!

Are Gecko extinct?

yes they are Added: No they are not , Not all. Some species are becoming really rare to find , Some are extincted but many geckos that are kept in captivity are extremely common. Leopard geckos , Crested geckos , Common house gecko , Fat tailed geckos and more are easy to breed geckos that are now almost everywhere in the pet shops.

Do crested geckos need uvb?

Crested geckos are a nocturnal species of gecko and do not require UVB lighting as a duirnal species of gecko would. A crested gecko can still use one but it is not required. Excessive exposure with nocturnal species to UVB can cause other health concerns, be sure that the animal has many places to hide and will not always be exposed to the light all day long.

Where do day geckos live?

Day geckos are native to Madagascar and surrounding inlets. There are many species of day gecko coming from the "phesulma" family of geckos.

What type of geckos can you house together?

do you mean color changing anoles because then house geckos get along just fine together but if you see them fighting take one species out

Which country are geckos native to?

geckos live lot of places mostly in Asia and Madagascar. geckos are in many more places they get on boats and they eggs are sticky and get stuck on branches and land on many places.

What things should you consider before buying a gecko?

it matters what type of gecko as crested geckos and day geckos are arboreal which means they live in trees so the vivarium must be taller than wide and if you want to by a leopard gecko they are terrestrial meaning they live on the ground and have a completely different set up. crested geckos will need a more humid vivarium as they live in rain Forrest's. they will need enrichment like branches and leaves in their enclosure to simulate their natural environment and they are mostly fed on live invertebrates such as crickets and locusts. although it is tempting to feed them in their viv it is advised to take them out and feed them with tweezers to prevent them thinking your food when trying to handle them. unlike many other reptiles geckos are nocturnal with the exception of the day gecko and they do not require uvb lamp i am up sure about the needs for a day gecko but its mostly the same. leopard geckos will require a longer viv and the substrate can be different such as calcium sand the environment will rarely need spraying as they come from a dessert but they still require enrichment such as logs to hide under. they eat the same food as the other geckos and are mostly fed outside the enclosures.

In which rainforest do geckos live?

It depends what type of geckos you have. You can most likely tell by going on a website that specializes the gecko you want to learn more about. They most likely will tell you which rainforest a gecko lives in. But if you want to learn which rainforest geckos live in, the answer is that all geckos do not live in rainforests. Some live in deserts.