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it weighs about 29LBs

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Q: How long do diamondback terrapins live?
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Do diamondback terrapins have a backbone?


How do diamondback terrapins communicate?

Through their DICK

How long do terrapins live?

Terrapins live for 10 to 25 years. They also grow to the size of a dinner plate.

How long do terrapins live for?

Terrapins live for 10 to 25 years. They also grow to the size of a dinner plate.

How does a diamondback terrapin find a mate?

Diamondback terrapin, is a species of turtle. Female terrapins can mate with multiple males and store sperm for years.

What is the current population of diamondback terrapins like?

Chuck Norris sucks Abraham Lincoln's long dong silver. oh and by the way chuck Norris sucks butt

Are captive bred Diamondback Terrapins illegal to keep as pets in NJ?

Not, the captive trust act of 1979 makes it legal to own diamonback Terrapins legally. It is actualluy now a normal job to breed Diamonback Terrapins in New Jersey Apartments.

How long does a male diamondback rattlesnake live?

20 years old

What biotic factors effect diamondback terrapins?

Biotic factors that can affect diamondback terrapins include predators, such as raccoons and birds, which can prey on terrapin eggs and hatchlings. Competition for resources with other species, such as crabs, can also impact terrapins. Additionally, diseases and parasites carried by other animals can pose a threat to terrapin populations.

Does a diamondback rattlesnake live in Montana?

No, diamondback rattlesnakes prefer the warmer deserts of the southwest and do not live in Montana.

Do terrapins live in cold water?

All I could find specifically about the Diamondback terrapin turtle and its habitat temperature is that bigger specimens tend to be found in warmer areas than those found in colder areas. The only consistent information I found was that they live in brackish (or slightly salty) water along rivers or in ponds and lakes of the United States.

What are periwinkles eaten by?

They are mostly eaten by Diamondback Terrapins in the marsh ecosystem. If there is an overpopulation of the species, the beautiful arsh meadows would become mud flats! ~the answerer