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The king cobra can reach a length of around 18.5ft (5.6388m) weighing over 40lbs. (18.1436kg).

General Information

King Cobra Scientific Cassification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Serpentes

Family: Elapidae

Genus: Ophiophagus

Species: O. Hannah

The largest poisonous snake would be the King Cobra(Ophiophagus hanna), the Latin wordOphiophagus means "Snake-eater". The king cobra can reach a length of around 18.5ft (5.6388m) weighing over 40lbs. (18.1436kgs.) and lives in the Rainforest's and grasslands of Southeast Asia, India and China. Color is generally tan, olive-green or black with faint pale yellow cross bands, the females lay around 50 eggs in a constructed nest where they will guard and incubate them faithfully for 60 to 80 days, the young are called Hatchlings and about 1.5 ft. (50cm ) long at birth, the King cobra is very fast and agile with an average lifespan of about 20 years.

Although not the most toxic of poisonous snakes a king cobra can kill an elephant with one bite, the king cobra tracks by site and smell then kills it's prey by striking and injecting it with venom and swallowing it whole, it's preferred diet is mainly other venomous and non-venomous snakes but includes small reptiles, birds and amphibians as well. King Cobras are aggressive and will rear up to confront the intruder where most other cobras will slither away and hide. The only predators are the mongoose and man.

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13y ago
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14y ago

The young are called Hatchlings and are about 1.5 ft. (50cm ) long at birth.

General Information

King Cobra Scientific Cassification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Serpentes

Family: Elapidae

Genus: Ophiophagus

Species: O. hannah

The largest poisonous snake would be the King Cobra(Ophiophagus hanna), the Latinword Ophiophagus means "Snake-eater".The king cobras average size is 13-14 ft. (3.96-4.26m) weighing around 20 lbs (9 kg), they can reach a length of around 18.5ft (5.6388m) weighing over 40lbs. (18.1436kgs.) and lives in the Rainforest's and grasslands of Southeast Asia, India and China. Color is generally tan, olive-green or black with faint pale yellow cross bands, the females lay around 50 eggs, the king cobras are the only snakes who construct a nest for their hatchlings which they incubate and protect until they emerge in 60 to 80 days, the young are called Hatchlings and are about 1.5 ft. (50cm ) long at birth, the King cobra is very fast and agile with an average lifespan of about 20 years.

Although not the most toxic of poisonous snakes a king cobra can kill an elephant with one bite, the king cobra tracks by site and smell then kills it's prey by striking and injecting it with venom and swallowing it whole, it's preferred diet is mainly other venomous and non-venomous snakes but includes small reptiles, birds and amphibians as well. King Cobras are aggressive and will rear up to confront the intruder where most other cobras will slither away and hide. The only predators are the mongoose and man.

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13y ago

A king cobra's pregnincy is 60-70 days

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15y ago

60-70 day.

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Does female king cobras incubate there babies?

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Can king cobras eat their babies?

Yes. By instinct they eat snakes and they would eat their young too.

How long do king cobras hibernate?

King cobras only live wild in the tropics and subtropics, so they have no need to hibernate at all, and thus they don't.

What are mother king cobras called?

King Cobras

Does king cobras hibernate?

no king cobras do not hibernate

Does a king cobra symbolize a gang sign?

the king cobra does symbolize a gang sign it symbolizes for the mickey cobras king cobras black king cobras spanish cobras young latin org cobras

Are king cobras red?

No king cobras are green and yellow

Do King Cobras eat other king cobras?

Yes they do

Do king cobras live in herds?

King Cobras live in herd of 6 . A herd of King Cobras is called a quiver.

How long are baby king cobras dependent on their parents?

The mother king cobra makes a nest and cares for the eggs for about two to three months. When the eggs begin to hatch she abandons the nest and leaves so that she will not accidentally eat her babies. The babies are capable of caring for themselves as soon as they hatch.