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Sloths (all varieties) are mammals, and thus are warm blooded.

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Monkeys live in moderate areas.

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Where is the sloth habitat?

south America

What is the Three toed sloth habitat?


Where is the sloth bears habitat?

south America

What is the habitat of the two toed sloth?

The rain forest.

What is sloth's habitat?

Rainforest in South and Central America

What are animals native to habitat in Panama?

sloth and deer

How many degrees is it in a sloth habitat?

74 to 92

Is the sloth protected species?

Yes, the Sloth is protected because it is loosing it's habitat and becoming endangered.

What continent and country are sloth found in?

Sloth habitat is the tropical rain forests of South and Central America.

What was the habitat of a Giant Ground Sloth?

Central America and South America.

How is a two toed sloth habitat?

hwo did it found it suthwick zoo

What threatens the sloth?

Not all sloth species are endangered. However, the ones that are endangered are threatened mostly by habitat destruction. They are also hunted.