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Q: How fast are eastern fence lizards?
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How fast can an eastern fence lizard run?

Eastern lizards speed is unknow but the do run like lightning.

What lizards can live with an eastern fence lizard?

a gecco can

Do eastern fence lizards need water?

Yes they do ! All animals need water - whether that's in a pool, dish, or licked off leaves !

Are northern fence lizards endangered?

no there not

Are blue bellied lizards venomous?

No, blue bellied lizards (aka Western fence lizards) are not venomous.

Are blue bellied lizards the same as the western fence lizard?

No, blue-bellied lizards are different species than western fence lizards. Blue-bellied lizards (Sceloporus occidentalis) are found in western North America, while western fence lizards (Sceloporus occidentalis) are found in the western United States. Both species are members of the Sceloporus genus, but they are distinct species with different characteristics.

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What are the small lizards found in the summer in Virginia called?

Most likely a skink of some kind. The ones that I see most often are the common five-lined skinks, which are smooth and often have a bluish tail. If the lizards are brown and rough instead of smooth, they are probably eastern fence lizards.

What do western fence lizards love to eat?


Do eastern fence lizards hibernate?

no because the iguana contains deep black poison and if the iguana came near an eastern fence lizard there is a 90% chance of it being attacked and killed. thank you i hope this helps:) oh and do you know who was the queens grandfather? please

What do fence lizards drink?

I don't know and I don't care!!