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Q: How does the monitor lizard survive in the Sahara desert?
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Is the Sahara desert monitor lizard on the endangered species list?

No. It is only threatened, mainly due to habitat loss.

What characteristic does a lizard have which help it survive in a desert?


Are monitor lizard?

Yes..The largest monitor lizard species.

Are komodos monitor lizard?

Yes..The largest monitor lizard species.

Skeletal diagram of a monitor lizard?

I'm unable to display images. However, you can easily find skeletal diagrams of monitor lizards by searching online or in anatomy books. These diagrams typically show the main bones and structures of a monitor lizard's skeleton.

How does the horned lizard survive in the desert?

Texas horned lizards survive in the desert with the help of their scaley skin ans since they are cold-blooded they purposely lay out in the sun to warm themselves up.

When was Roughneck Monitor Lizard created?

Roughneck Monitor Lizard was created in 1845.

What is the name of the dancing desert lizard?

The dancing desert lizard is commonly known as the "Shingleback skink" or "Bobtail lizard."

How many animals are in the desert?

Surprisingly, there are many species of animals to be found in the desert. Most are nocturnal so are not obvious unless one is about after dark.

What is the largest monitor lizard alive today?

The largest monitor lizard, and in fact the largest lizard alive today is the Komodo dragon.

Name a large lizard?

Konodo Dragon, Water Monitor, Savannah monitor, Gila monster, beaded lizard, and Tree Monitor.

What does a monitor lizard eat?

The monitor lizard has a large diet. The lizard can eat eggs, smaller snakes, mice, small animals, fish, and birds. The lizard is a carnivore.