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they can travel over land because they do not need to lay eggs in water

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Q: How does laying eggs with shells allow reptiles to move into new environments?
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What are three adaptations that allow reptiles to survive on land?

Hard shelled or leathery eggs that can incubate/hatch outside of water, allowing them to migrate dry areas. Skin that prevents transpiration, allowing them to live on land without dehydrating. These would be primary...the third could be any of a number of adaptations, changes in locomotion, eye sight et cetera

What are some adaptations that allow reptiles to live on dry land?

Shells prevent their eggs from drying out. Scales prevent water loss and protect them. The circulatory systems is associated with lungs for breathing air. Internal fertilization allows for reproduction on land.

Do reptiles have an internal fertilization?

Internal... :)Male and female reptiles do not have external genitalia to help owners ... For fertilization, a male reptile inserts either one of his two hemipenes into the ... Before actual copulation, the pair usually engages in some type of ritualized courtship...Good luck with what your doing... :)

Why are reptiles considered much better adapted to land than amphibians?

Reptiles have scaly skin that helps prevent water loss, compared to the permeable skin of amphibians that requires moisture to breathe and stay hydrated. Additionally, reptiles have more efficient lungs that allow them to fully rely on breathing air, while amphibians have dual respiration capabilities through both lungs and skin. Lastly, reptiles lay amniotic eggs with protective shells that allow for successful reproduction on land, unlike amphibians that typically rely on aquatic environments for their eggs to develop.

What did the different egg allow reptiles to be able to do?

Colonise land.

What environment do snakes live in?

Snakes, being cold-blooded like all reptiles - live in temperate and tropical environments. The need to live in places that are at least warm enough to allow them to move freely around in search of prey.

Do bivalves have one shell.?

Bivalves have two shells that protect their soft bodies. These shells are hinged together to allow the bivalve to open and close.

What are the behaviors and physical characteristics that allow organisms to live successsfully in their environments?


What traits allow reptiles birds and mammals to live on land?

Ability to breathe air.

What physical characteristics allow reptiles independence from water?

Waterproof skin and waterproof eggshells.

What adaptation have reptiles developed that allow them to live successfully on land?

ewan ko sayo

Do crocodiles produce amniotic eggs?

Yes, crocodiles are reptiles and they lay amniotic eggs with protective shells that allow the embryos to develop outside of the mother's body. This is a characteristic feature of reptiles, including crocodiles.