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The best thing is to take them to an exotic pet veterinarian. They can put them down if needed, or may even be able to treat them.

If you are unable to do this, the most humane thing you can do is to provide them with warmth, like a heating stone, and place them in an isolation tank out of the way where they can have some peace. Generally, if a gecko is actually dying, it won't take too long. Make sure they have a little food and water so if they are just sick, they can have a chance to recover.

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Q: How do you put down a dying gecko?
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Have it put down, it will put it out of it's misery and won't hurt it as much.. x

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im sorry to hear that, but the best possible solution is unfortunately,to put it down :(

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No, absolutely not. They are different species!!! The dragon will eat the gecko.

Can you house a baby gecko without an adult gecko?

Put them aside from the adult for 3 to 4 months. Never put two male together they will begin to fight maybe to death.

Do gecoks need heat lamps?

Yes. Any ectothermic (cold-blooded) animal needs a heat lamp to keep them from dying of hypothermia. I have a gecko, so if you have any more gecko questions, you can ask me. The appropriate temperature for a gecko enclosure is 78-92 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 68-75 Fahrenheit at night.

Why is the sod dying?

put it in the bin

Can you put webkinz in water?

They will feel && look weird, BUT! they are your webkinz and therefore what you do with them are your decisions.i put my gecko in and nothin happined

Could you keep a Leopard Gecko in the same room where I play Xbox?

yes thats where i put my leopard gecko and sometimes he gets out and poops on my xbox so no an paosdfjsadpghfug