i haven't got a clue
I got my bearded dragon in the December of 07. I got it at a shop where this lady knew a lot about bearded dragons and I believed she said they live from 5-6 years.
Yes they can, I have a bearded dragon (called Ernie) and I have fed him live hoppers since I got him, he seems to quite like them.
Well bearded dragons can't climb on glass because it is too slippery. But if it is climbing on glass and you saw it, maybe it is because their is a little crack which you can't see and the bearded dragon's nail got in it.
Bearded Dragon, They are a lot tougher and bigger, There is practically no contest, A Bearded Dragon is considered very tough for its size (18 inch) and will kill or scare most things the same size as it away, They are stocky and have pretty powerful jaws, They are also a lot more territorial than a Chameleon. Male Bearded Dragon vs Male Veiled Chameleon both fully grown I would say the Bearded Dragon will be the one celebrating for sure, Chemeleon are normally higher but Height does not make up for power.
an inch, but i don't know why u would want to know. I just got my Bearded dragon a little bit ago it is a great pet and very hardy.
They have small hairs on their chin (flot). Even though people say dragons are mystical, the Bible talks a lot about mystical creatures in revelation. Just thought I should say that>>>
If that happens take it to a vet straight away. It means it a got digestive problems. :/
around $20 to $200 depending on what age and type they are
I got a sun dragon by breeding a fire dragon and a storm dragon. I know lots of people say you get a blue fire dragon from that, but I got a sun dragon. You know it is a sun dragon because it takes 48hours to breed.
Well, nothing dangerous since they dont have any venom. ive got bitten 3 times already and ive had my bearded dragon (Spike) for 3 years. they'll ley go straight away they usally just think your food. :-)
They got caught in a dragon's mouth so they had to stay in the dragon's belly for the whole book until he end!