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i would advise you to feed them live food first if you caught it from the wild, things like beetles: thyre crunchy and delicious, or fish. it might take them awhile to get used to those pellet food from pet stores.

i have two other bigger turtles that eats pellets, so i put my baby turtle in the tank and make him watch the big turtles eat and then what do you know, he went to chase down a piece of food to eat too.

another good food to try is ham. they go crazy for it. never force feed a turtle, that's just cruel. or it could be that the turtle is just scared of you.. lol let your sister or someone else feed him =x

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Q: How do you get your baby pond turtle to eat?
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What does a baby pond turtle eat?

A baby pond turtle eats many different things, such as: Shrimp and liver. Those 2 things are like super vitamin pills for them. Young turtles do not eat lettuce, although adult turtles might appreciate the dark green leafy lettuces.

If you have fish in a pond as well as a turtle will the turtle eat the fish?

Yes, the turtle will eventually eat the fish. It is better if you keep both species seperated. hoped that helped.

Can i release my baby turtle in a pond with larger turtles?

It is not recommended to release a baby turtle in a pond with larger turtles, as they may be at risk of being harmed or outcompeted for resources. It is best to release them in a safe and suitable environment for their size and species.

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4 inches for any turtle, make sure that the turtle can hunt and kill fish before you release them.

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Yes. Adult snapping turtles will eat baby snapping turtles.

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European pond turtle was created in 1758.

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A baby turtle will typically eat any food the size of its head or smaller. Any bigger than that, and it might not be interested.

Can you but a male beta with a small turtle?

no!! if the turtle is a baby then sure you can!! but once it starts to grow the turtle will eat the betta!!