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Somehow keep it from wrapping around you I would imagine is the only way... They are so strong it seems if it got it's body around you you would be pretty much done for. Unless you're talking about a small snake haha

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

you can escape the pythons death grip by following these 3 steps

1. cover the pythons head with your shirt, the strong jaws can't clamp down on you

2. take a deep breath, this way it can't continue to constrict you

3. bite down on the pythons tail, this way the snake will let go and you can run away, seek medical help if necessary

if the snake has your hand in its mouth: shove your hand further down it's throat. the snakes teeth are curved backward towards its throat, pull open the mouth and remove your hand. even though it isn't venomous, seek medical attention. the snake has numerous germs in it's mouth so find a doctor immediately.

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Q: How do you get out of a python squeeze?
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Are banana python snakes venomous?

No but they'll squeeze you

How tight does a python squeeze?

depends on the size and weight of the python...the heavier they are..the stronger the pressure..

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No, but the python could still be the rattle snake's main squeeze. Different species don't mate and produce offspring

Is a Indian python poisonus?

No snakes are poisonous, only venomous. Also no species of Python or Boa are Venomous. they are constrictors and squeeze their prey to death instead of using venom.

Is the python a constrictor snake?

Well it very well depends what kind of python and how old or big it is. Like right now there is a python lose and I'm scared to let my pups out side! Surly a python constricts hard enough to kill you.

Is a ball python poison?

Because pythons are constrictors (which means they squeeze their prey to kill them, not inject them with venom), they do not contain venom and therefore, are not poisonous (or the proper term, venomous).

Is a coastal python venomous?

Pythons are non-venomous, they are a constricting family of snake. Instead using venom, another words, they squeeze their prey to death.

What is interesting about snakes?

snakes can be venomous and they may not be. Some snakes eat other types of snakes. If a python wrapped itself around you it would squeeze you to death.

Why does a python squeeze people to death?

A phython sqeezes people (or animals) to death because it doesn't really have any other way to kill so it chooses to strangle things as a way of killing.

If I owned a python that was 6 feet long would it try to eat me still?

A Python is a constrictor, it has a natural instinct to kill by constricting it's prey. As the snake gets larger, it will naturally go after larger prey, which could indeed be you. A petsnake may tolerate you, but it will never love you like a dog or cat would. Given the chance, a pet Python could squeeze the life out of you, or anything else it sees as "food".

Who will win out of python and andaconda?

The strongest would be the python. It has sharp teeth that could easily kill the anaconda. THE python wouldn't be able to bite the fat lumpy anaconda GET IT RIGHT Python may have sharper teeth but its got more of a snout then a mouth like the Annoconda so it couldn't hardly bit the Annoconda beings the Annoconda is so BIG. Pythons are Long and Annocondas are Big. And Annoconda has a way stronger squeeze. Annoconda actually kills their prey by crushing it and then swallowing it whereas the Python wraps around it not letting it escape and devours it as its alive so yeah the Annoconda would win easily.

Which one is better for a ten year old girl a Ball Python or a Corn Snake?

Corn snake because they are much more friendly and will only bite if you antagonize them. Even then they aren't poisonous. A ball python on the other hand, is very large and it will squeeze. To them you are just another prey for dinner. So definitely get a corn snake.