The thorny devil isn't a mammel
Yes. The Thorny devil belongs to the order Squamata.
There is no specific name for a male thorny devil.
the thorny devil is a lizard and the tasmanian devil is sort of a dog. also the tasmanian devil lives in tasmania and the thorny devil lives in south australia
The thorny devil's body is covered with sharp protuberances, or spikes.
a thorny devil cost 90 to 1,000 dollars
As the thorny devil is not endangered, there are no accurate figures available on its population. Websites that state the thorny devil is endangered, with around 1000 reptiles remaining, are incorrect.
Thorny devils breathe using lungs. The thorny devil is a reptile, and all reptiles breathe using lungs.
Just like the adult Thorny Devil only smaller. Thorny Devils reach maturity at about three years old.
There are many aboriginal dialects. In the language of the Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara people, who populate the area where the thorny devil is mostly found, the thorny devil is known as Ngiyari.
Yes. The thorny devil is a reptile, and all reptiles are cold blooded.
Yes. The thorny devil is a lizard, and all lizards are cold-blooded.