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Some turtles, such as the Musk turtle use smell to make them seem unappetizing. All turtles can hiss to appear threatening and many will bite if you get too close to their face. Also, another (rather obvious) method of protection is to tuck all soft areas; their head, feet, and tail, close to their body and use their strong shell to protect them from teeth and getting crushed (usually).

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12y ago

No.1: With there shells

No.2: They bite them

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12y ago

they hide in their shells

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Q: How do turtles protect themselves?
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Turtles protect themselves by drawing their limbs, tail, and head into their shells

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When they feel threatened, they hide in their shell, that's how they protect themselves

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Mutually Assured Destuction (M.A.D.)

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Some turtles can't protect themselves with their limb/head so they will urinate a foul urine with a pungent odor in attempts to protect itself.

How do turtles protect themselves from their enemies?

Turtles protect themselves from predators by retreating into their hard shells, which offer physical protection. Some turtles can also use their sharp beaks or strong claws to defend themselves. Additionally, turtles can camouflage themselves in their environment to avoid being detected by predators.

How do turlte protect them self?

Turtles will usually use their shells to protect themselves from other animals, weather, or anything else that can harm them. Or they could bite them.

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So they can blend in with their natural habitat and protect themselves from predators