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they crawl into their sheel

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Q: How do turtles move in water?
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Why do sea turtles move to the water when they are born?

because they will have no oxygen in their resporarity system

How do alligator snapping turtles move?

Its uses its webbed feet to push its self through the water.

How do the hawksbils turtles move around?

Turtle move around slow and when in water they use their feet and claws to swim

Can you put turtle pelletes in the water for them?

When feeding aquatic turtles you have to put both the turtles and the pellets in water for the turtles to be able to eat the pellets. Unlike humans, aquatic turtles have fixed tongues meaning that they can't move them. So to get the food down their throat they use water. A turtle may grab a chunk of food on land but then they will rush to the nearest water to swallow it. So yes, feed your aquatic turtles in water.

How in great detail do sea turtles move?

Sea turtles have 4 legs which have evolved into flippers. A sea turtle moves by pushing each flipper in a paddle-like motion. Some sea turtles have been known to move through the water as fast as 35 mph!!

How does a water dragon move?

I would assume they move in a similar fashion snakes or sea turtles depending on if it has large limbs or not

When did turtles live in water?

turtles still live in water but not all turtles.

Where are turtles?

water turtles live in the water land turtles live in the land

Why are sea turtles good divers?

Sea turtles are good divers because their fins help them dive into the water and help them move all around strong waters.

How do Germany people move?

they move by turtles

How do spotted turtles move?

the spotted turtles walk or swim.

Why are turtles so fast dont give me bull because they are fast?

Well actually, turtles move slow not fast.. unless you are not worrying about it then it will seem like it's moving fast... but in further notice they move faster in water.