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in a nest

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Ambrose Krajcik

Lvl 13
2y ago
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13y ago

Not all cobras.Only some give life birth to young,but that doesn't mean that there mammals.

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15y ago

Yes Cobras protect all their eggs well like all animals do.

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11y ago

you have to cut open the snake and take the eggs out then sit on them but dont crush them or they will die.

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Q: How do king cobras lay eggs?
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Do King Cobras lay eggs?

Yes, and they make nests for their eggs.Most, but not all, reptiles lay eggs.

Do female Cobras lay the eggs or do the nale Cobras lay the eggs?

The female cobra lays the eggs.

Why do king cobras lay eggs?

So they can have baby King Cobras. Cobras are reptiles and most reptiles lay eggs, those that don't normally live in colder climates where eggs laid on or under the ground would not get warm enough to incubate. In this case the eggs are kept inside the reptiles body to keep warm and the babies are born straight from the mother.

What is the king cobras length of pregnancy?

The breeding season for king cobras begins in January. The female will lay her eggs two months after mating. The eggs incubate for 60 to 70 days before they hatch.

Are king cobras born alive or not?


How many cobras can a mother cobra have?

since they lay eggs it can hatch up to 10 or more eggs!

How much offspring does king cobras produce in one year?

Baby cobras are laid, not birthed. In general cobras lay 12 to 60 eggs at once (depending on breed), and it is rare that all of them hatch at the same time, so the best guess is the whole nest timing - 12 to 60 all together.

How do red spitting cobras give berth?

Red Spitting Cobras are oviparous. (They lay eggs, normally around 6-15 of them)

How long does a king cobra stay with its babies?

Male and female snakes mate for life. Baby snakes come from eggs. When they are born the Mother just shows them how to hunt and then they are gone. This happens several weeks after they are hatched. Eggs may take 60-70 days to hatch. Female King Cobras lay up to 20 to 50 eggs. The eggs are usually white. The female King Cobra will do anything to protect its eggs, even if it has to attack one of the strongest animals.

Are King cobras nursed when they were little?

No. They are on their own the moment they hatch out of their eggs.

Who do king cobras live with?

They live with its own kind before the eggs hatch

Does a King Cobra have live babies or does it lay eggs?

The king cobra lays eggs.