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because they betrayed god

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Q: How did snakes lose there legs?
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How many legs on 25 snakes?

0 snakes do not have legs.

Can snakes use their legs?

snakes don't have legs they only slither

Do snakes have legs when they die?

no they do not have legs

How do snakes move with no hind legs?

they have no legs

Do anaconda have legs?

No, anaconda are snakes and they do not have legs.

Where did the snake lose its legs?

it is believed that snakes lost their legs due to loss of use from their ancestor lizards. it is not uncommon in evolution that if something becomes useless to a creature, it will eventually evolve to not have that part. in this case, the lizard lost its legs.

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What are 3 major differences between a snake and turtle?

The different of lizards and snakes is very easy. Snakes are known to have no arms, hands, legs or feet in their body. Snakes are litteraly a muscle with a spinal cord. Lizards do hav all of this exept they have arms and legs. Some lizards do look like snakes but they are not.

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Do snakes have legs when they began development in the egg?

Only the bindsnake, otherwise, no snakes have legs, even if they are developing an egg.

Do snakes have 1000 legs?

are you talking about snakes or millipide? different person: if you are talking about milipedes...then they have roughly a 1000 legs not always, but around 1000 legs. =)